Written by 12:40 Animals, Truffle Dog, Truffle Hunters

Truffles: where to find them and how to become a truffle hunter

In order to go in search of the white one or the black one, you must first take a real exam and the…

Where to find the truffle?

Perhaps you are wondering how to know where truffles can be found.

First of all, it is important to know that one does not become a truffle hunter overnight, but must take and pass an aptitude exam. At that point, you will get the badge. This aspect is fundamental because it serves to maintain the spontaneous nature of the prized mushroom, preventing people without experience from compromising its development. Furthermore, it cannot be done by hand, even legally, only with a truffle dog.

To become a truffle hunter you must be at least 14 years old, take training courses and then, as mentioned, take the exam for the card (which is required from the Region). At that point, you are authorized to be a prospect or throughout the national territory, by paying a concession fee. This must be paid every year, the card is valid for five years and can be renewed. If you do not pass the exam, you can repeat it but only after one year.

The law imposes the use of some typical tools of the truffle hunter. The spade, which is a small hoe, is obligatorily  used to damage the ground and the roots of the truffle as little as possible. After having extracted the mushroom, it is mandatory to fill the hole again with earth; in this way other specimens are allowed to grow. Then you need the “catana”, a bag made specifically for truffles, or the pockets of truffle hunter’s jackets or, ultimately, baskets such as those for picking mushrooms. It is recommended to wear knee high boots and dress in appropriate forest clothing. The truffle hunter always keeps and wears gloves for safe excavation, a stick and first aid ointments.

Truffle dog, the faithful ally

It is not allowed to use a pig (as in antiquity) to search for truffles. On the other hand, the use of the dog is obligatory, the only animal that guarantees location accuracy in order to avoid unnecessary excavations that would ruin the land. Italian law also requires that the dog be trained to search for the mushroom. Already trained specimens can cost up to 5,000 euros.

Better, therefore, to train your dog since it is a puppy, first with simple games and then with increasing ly difficult exercises. There is no real truffle breed: any animal with a good nose is fine. Just as intelligence, concentration, endurance and dedication must not be lacking. Who ever has these qualities is a good truffle dog. However, Bracco, Pointer, Spinone, Cocker, Jack Russell, Griffon, Lagotto romagnolo are more considerable. This last one is considered as the only breed specialized in truffle hunting.

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Tag: , Last modified: 1 Settembre 2023