Written by 15:43 Cooking, Food and Wine, Recipes

Side dishes with truffle, pair it or cook it with something unusual

White truffle and black truffle pair very well with potatoes, but they pair also with other vegetab…

White truffle and black truffle pair very well with potatoes, but they pair also with other vegetables and cured meats. The taste on the palate is always intense, just like the aroma.

Would you like to cook delicious side dishes with truffle?

Truffle can enhance appetizers and side dishes, of course. 

Whether white or black, truffle pairs well with everything. Almost anything.

Potatoeswith truffle are a particularly used combination. If you want something lightlycooked, you can try an arugula and truffle salad.

Truffle mashed potatoes, why not?

Onions stuffed with truffle are excellent both as appetizer or between the first and the second course, or as a side dish.

Talking about truffle recipes, a particularly good recipe is baked potatoes, with cheese and black truffle or mixed vegetables, fried egg and truffle. Potatoes can also be stuffed with truffle cream. As you can see, potatoes and fine truffles make a great pair. Baked potatoes can pair with truffles and pistachios. Black truffle can also flavor cardoons.

Mashed potatoes with truffle and salamiare another delicious specialty.

And not to mention the foie gras with truffle.

Zucchini spaghetti with mushrooms and black truffle are halfway between a first course and a side dish.

Looking for more? You’ll be spoilt for choice. –

We can offer asparagus or aubergines with black truffle, while white truffle pairs with tomatoes.

And again: white truffle with lard, croutons with ham and white truffle, white truffle tuna pâté. We propose this last recipe.

White truffle tuna pâté

To prepare a worthy white truffle tuna pâté, the first step is to let the tuna drain.

Then, wash, remove the bones and chop the anchovies with capers. At this point add the butter-based dressing with white truffle. Mix it until it’s creamy. Put everything in a rectangular mold and leave in the refrigerator for about two to three hours.

At this point, before bringing the inviting dish to the table, there is only one other operation to do: turn out the pâté and cover with truffle slices and white truffle slices.

Now serve the guests, who will eat this delicious dish with croutons. You will satisfy even the most difficult palates.

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Tag: , Last modified: 13 Aprile 2023