Written by 12:02 Animals, Truffle Dog

Roddi and the University for Truffle Dogs

Here, animals of all breeds are trained in search of the most valuable tuber in the world.

Roddi, where the best truffle dogs are trained.

Roddi is a small village in Langhe areas, in the province of Cuneo. There is a special attraction here, that is also a source of attraction for tourists: the University for Truffle Dogs. As Alberto Cirio – Piedmont Region Governor – recalled:

“A potentiality remained unvoiced until now. This is the reason why, as soon as I was named president, I decided to take up the programme agreement I had inherited. Together with Roddi’s administation we have made a modification to the project for recovering and relaunching the castle, and the University for Truffle Dogs will be the a key element. It’s anunicum in the whole world and I am sure that i twill attract many many tourists in Roddiand in our Piedmont”.

Carlo Bo – mayor of Alba, Liliana Allena – president of the Alba White Truffle International Fair and Fabio Carosso – Piedmont Region’s vicepresident attended the signing of the protocol. Fabio Carosso also said that:

“Roddi is not only part of the eleven municipalities of Barolo Wine, but it is also known because of a unique feature: it hosts the University for Truffle Dogs where dogs are trained for hunting the most precious tuber of the world.”

History of the University for Truffle Dogs.

The University for Truffle Dogs has ancient origins. It was founded in 1880 and formalized in 1935, during the fifth Alba White Truffle Fair by Earl Gastone of Mirafiori -son of ‘la Bela Rosin’ -who acted as president of the Truffle Fair at that time.

Since the beginning, the University had four Headmasters. The first was Antonio Monchiero (1880), then from 1930 Giovanni Monchiero, followed in the 60s and 90s Pietro and Pasquale Monchiero, until arriving to Giovanni Monchiero.

Close to the castle and to the University, there is  a Museum where memories of Monchiero family have been gathered, together with testimonies of the ancient job of truffle hunter. Furthermore, we also find Langhe’s typical products and, when season allows it, fresh truffles too, of course.

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