Written by 12:20 Cooking, Food and Wine, Recipes

Hamburger with Spicy Sauce with Truffle

Find out how to prepare delicious Truffle-based First Courses

To cook our Italian hamburger we need:

  • 220g minced high quality cattle meat
  • 40g Spicy Sauce
  • 1 tomato
  • 3 slices of smoked “provola” cheese
  • 1 “ciabatta” sandwich (180g)
  • Salt
  • Black pepper
  • Extra virgin olive oil

Let’s make it!

Season the meat with a pinch of salt, a pinch of black pepper and a few drops of extra virgin olive oil and mix well.

With the help of a pastry ring, give the meat the shape of a burger.

Heat a non-stick frying pan and saute the burger on both sides. Once browned, let the provola cheese melt on it.

Toast the bread in the pan with the gravy released by the meat: the ciabatta shall be crunchy and tasty.😋

Now put your hamburger together, with some lettuces leaves, 2 tomato slices, the burger, and a generous helping of SPICY SAUCE WITH TRUFFLE.

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Tag: , Last modified: 13 Aprile 2023