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Giuliano Tartufi’s export project rewarded by Luiss Business School

The Expert Degree“Luiss Business School’s Export Executive custom program” offered to Umbrian Compa…

Giuliano Tartufi’s export project rewarded by Luiss Business School

The Expert Degree“Luiss Business School’s Export Executive custom program” offered to Umbrian Companies and supported by Regione Umbria, Arpa, and Luiss Business School University ended on 31st March 2023 at Villa Blanca, in Rome.

Giuliano Tartufi S.p.A.’s project, presented by the Export Director Laura Marcucci and fruit of her personal decade-long experience in developing and strengthening foreign markets, has been awarded as the best internationalization work project of the food industry “Player” category.

This is an important goal for Giuliano Tartufi, strenghtening its 90-country export experience further to its exclusive distribution channel – the truffle-highly-specialized shops www.labottegadeltartufo.it and the two pilot shops Giuliano Tartufi in Riccione Viale Dante, 39, 47838 Riccione (RN) and Gubbio Via dei Consoli, 76, 06024 Gubbio (PG).

31st March 2023- Villa Blanca, Roma

Since the beginning of the high specialization course for internationalization and export,started in October 2022, 21 business plans for export projectswere bornfor the most famous Umbrian economic structurecompanies belonging to the most important sectors, from food industry to the manufacturing sector:

FloritelliSpA (www.floritelli.it), Giuliano Tartufi SpA (www.giulianotartufi.it) , Clam – Energy System (www.clam.it) , Antico Pastificio Umbro (www.anticopastificioumbro.it), Bioetic Bijoux (www.bioeticbijoux.com), Oleificio Ranieri (www.olioranieri.com), Feda Srl (www.feda.it), Brayve-Teye (www.brayve.net), SIFAR Placcati (www.sifarplaccati.it), Corgnolini Srl (www.corgnolini.it), Asterisco Tech (www.asteriscotech.com), Ceramiche Noi (https://ceramichenoi.it), Carioca Food (https://cariocafood.it), Fuccelli Srl (https://fuccelli.com), Concetti SpA (https://www.concetti.com), Molino sul Clitunno (https://www.molinosulclitunno.com), Errepi (https://www.erre-pi.it), Umbra control (https://umbracontrol.it/it), Assisi Salumi (https://assisisalumi.it), MidorjJewels (https://midorj.com), Faluomi Srl (https://faluomi.it).

These Companies, from different sectors and with different export experiences, have been followed in the realization of an internationalization project supported by a business plan comprising various evaluation areas: marketing, commercial, legal and financial aspects, projected in the present international context thanks to the expertise fo the three professors – Dr. Emiliano Finocchi, Dr. Giulietta Sada and Dr. Luca Silla – and also to several intervention by Companiesrenowned in the export field, further to the support granted by Michele Fioroni -Regione Umbria’s Councillor for the economic, innovation and digital development – who is particularly involved in supporting local companies

Press review:

Contacts: Laura Marcucci Export Director Giuliano Tartufi S.p.A.  https://www.linkedin.com/in/laura-marcucci-268ab0a/

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Tag: , , Last modified: 11 Aprile 2023